UPSC IFS (Indian Forest Service Exam) 2019 Cutoff

Cutoff is the minimum qualifying standards or marks required. The cutoff for general category in the preliminary exam is 116 out of 200 marks.


IFS 2019 Cutoff

Category Prelims (Out of 200) Written Exam (Out of 1400) Final Stage (Out of 1700)
General 116.00 686 918
EWS 112.66  615  839 
OBC 114.66  661  876 
SC 101.34  609  832 
ST 101.34  598  849 
PwBD-2 74.66  482  794 

In prelims, the cut off marks on the basis of GS Paper-I only. However, GS Paper-II was of qualifying nature with 33% marks. In written exam, the cutoff is subject to minimum 5% marks in each paper.


Wherever two or more candidates have secured equal aggregate marks in Indian Forest Service Examination, the tie has been resolved in accordance with the principles approved by the Commission, viz.

  1. Candidate with more marks in compulsory papers and the Personality Test put together is to be ranked higher.
  2. In case the marks at (i) above are also equal, the candidate who is senior in age is to be ranked higher.