Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways

The post of Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Indian Railway Health Service is in Group A Junior Scale in level 10 of Pay Matrix (Rs. 56100-177500/-) and it carries Non-Practising Allowance as per rules/orders in force from time to time.

Private practice is prohibited.

A candidate will be appointed on probation for a period of One year which may be extended by the Government if considered necessary. On satisfactory completion of the probation, candidates will be eligible for confirmation in the junior scale of the Indian Railway Medical Service.

Duties and Responsibilities

Assistant Divisional Medical Officers

  1. He will attend the indoor wards and out patient department daily and as required.
  2. He will carry out physical examination of candidates and of employees in service in accordance with the regulations in force.
  3. He will look after family planning, public health and sanitation in his jurisdiction.
  4. He will carry out examination of vendors.
  5. He will be responsible for discipline and proper discharge of duties of the Hospital Health Unit Staff.
  6. He will carry out duties assigned to him specially if any and will prepare returns and indents connected with his speciality.
  7. He will maintain and upkeep all equipments in his charge.