UPSC Section Officers & and Stenographers Exam Syllabus
The exam consists of three papers. Written examination is of 500 marks.
Paper 1
The paper covers subjects of interest and importance in the present day. Questions will be set to test knowledge of the broad salient features of the Five Year Plans, Indian Economy and major Developmental Schemes as also intelligence awareness of current affairs both national and international.
A broad knowledge of the following aspects will also be expected:
- The principles of the Constitution of India
- Rules of procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
- The organization of the machinery of the Govt. of India, Designation and allocation of subjects between Ministries, Departments and Attached & Subordinate Offices and their relation inter se.
- RTI Act, 2005.
Paper 2
This paper is intended to be intensive and detailed test in methods and procedure of work in the Government of India Secretariat and attached offices. Detailed knowledge of General Financial and Service Rules viz., Conduct Rules, Leave Rules, TA Rules etc. will be tested.
A list of Reference Books (which are however not exhaustive) are recommended.
For Category I, IV, VIII & IX:
- Manual of office procedure (latest edition)
- Notes on office procedure issued by the Institute of Secretarial Training and Management.
- Handbook of orders regarding use of Hindi for official purpose of the Union issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs. (for Category I & IV only)
- Fundamental and Supplementary Rules (A.G.P.&T's compilation, Chaudhury's compilation, Swamy's compilation).
- The Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules.
- The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules.
- The Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules.
- Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules.
- Compilation of the General Financial Rules, (Revised and Enlarged).
- Delegation of Financial Power Rules.
- Intelligence Bureau Standing Orders (for Category VIII only).
For Category II & V:
- Manual of office procedure (latest edition).
- Notes on office procedure issued by the I.S.T.M.
- Handbook of orders regarding use of Hindi for official purpose of the Union issued by the Min. of Home Affairs.
- Fundamental and Supplementary Rules (A.G.P. & T's compilation, Chaudhury's compilation, Swamy's compilation).
- The Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules.
- The Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules.
- Compilation of the General Financial Rules (Revised and enlarged).
- Delegation of Financial Power Rules.
- Indian Foreign Service (PLCA) Rules.
- Financial Powers of Government of India's Representatives abroad.
- Assisted Medical Attendance Schemes.
- Indian Foreign Service (Conduct and Discipline) rules.
For Category III & VII:
- Manual of Office Procedure issued by the Min. of Railways (Railway Board).
- Handbook of orders regarding use of Hindi for official purpose of the Union issued by the Min. of Home Affairs.
- Indian Railway Admn. and Finance (excluding Chapters V, VI, VIII & IX).
- Indian Railway Financial Code Vol. I (excluding Chapter II and VI).
- Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol. I.
- The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966.
- The Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rule, 1968.
For Category VI:
- Manual of office procedure (latest edition).
- Notes on office procedure issued by the Institute of Secretarial Training and Management.
- Handbook of orders regarding use of Hindi for official purpose of the Union issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Fundamental and Supplementary Rules (A.G.P.&T's compilation, Chaudhury's compilation, Swamy's compilation).
- The Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules.
- The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules.
- The Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules.
- Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules.
- Financial Regulations Part I (Revised Edition).
Paper 3
You are required to prepare notes and drafts on specific problems and précis from a passage.