Indian Trade Service - Group A (Grade III)

Appointment to the service is made on probation for a period of 2 years which may be extended or curtailed subject to the conditions. Successful candidates are required to undergo prescribed training and instructions and to pass such examinations and test (including examination in Hindi) as a condition to satisfactory completion of probation at such place and in such manner during the period of probation as the Central Government may determine.

If in the opinion of Government the work or conduct of a probationer is unsatisfactory or shows he is unlikely to become efficient, Government may discharge him forthwith or as the case be, revert him to the permanent post if any to which he holds the lien or would hold a lien had it not been suspended under the rules applicable to him prior to his appointment to the service or such orders as they think fit.

On satisfactory completion of his period of probation, Government may confirm the officer in the service if his work or conduct has in the opinion of Government been unsatisfactory, Government may either, discharge him from the service or extend the period of probation for such further period subject to certain conditions as Government may think fit. Provided that in cases where it is proposed to extend the period of probation, the Government shall give notice in writing of its intention to do so to the officer.

An officer appointed to the Grade III of the Service shall be liable to service anywhere in India or outside. Officers if deputed shall be liable to serve in any other Ministry or Department of the Government of India or Corporation and Industrial Undertaking of Government.

Scale of Pay

1. Higher Administrative Grade: Rs. 67,000-79,000 (Annual increment @ 3%).

2. Sr. Administrative Grade - Addl. DGFT / Development Commissioner / Trade Advisor

Pay Band-4: Rs. 37,400-67000 + G.P. 10,000

3. Non-Functional Selection Grade (NFSG) / Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) - Joint Director General of Foreign Trade / Director / Deputy Secretary

Pay Band-4: Rs. 37,400-67000 + G.P. 8,700 (NFSG)

Pay Band-3: Rs. 15,600-39,100 + G.P. 7,600 (JAG)

4. Senior Time Scale (STS) - Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade / Under Secretary Grade III

Pay Band-3: Rs. 15,600-39,100 + G.P. 6,600

5. Junior Time Scale (JTS) - Assistant Director General of Foreign Trade

Pay Band-3: Rs. 15,600-39,100 + G.P. 5,400

The service in all the five grades is controlled by the Ministry of Commerce. The Directorate General of Foreign Trade, New Delhi which is an attached office of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, is the user organisation of the service.

Officers belonging to Grade III of the service will normally be heads of Sections while officers of Grade II will normally by in charge of branches consisting of one or more Sections.

Officers belonging to Grade III of the service will be eligible for promotion to Grade II of the service in accordance with the rules in force time-to-time. Officers belonging to Grade II of the service will be eligible for appointment to Grade I of the service or to other higher administrative posts in the Central Government or in Corporation / Undertaking of the Government.

Officers belonging to Grade I of the service will be eligible for appointment to non-functional Selection Grade and for promotion to Sr. Administrative Grade (Addl. DGFT) in accordance with the rules in force from time-to-time.

Direct Recruitment to Grade III of the service is made to fill 50 percent permanent vacancies in that Grade in accordance with the Recruitment Rules for the service through Combined Civil Services Examination conducted by UPSC. The remaining 50% vacancies are filled through promotion from amongst feeder grades.

Provident Funds: Officers appointed in the Grade III of Indian Trade Service shall be eligible to join the General Provident Fund (Central Services) and shall be governed by the rules in force regulating the Fund.

Leave: Officer appointed to the Grade III of Indian Trade Services will be governed by the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time-to-time.

Medical Attendance: Officers of the Grade III of Indian Trade Service will be governed by the Civil Service (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 as amended from time to time.

Retirement benefits: Officers of the Grade III of Indian Trade Service will be governed by the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 as amended from time-to-time.

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980: Officers appointed to the Grade III of Indian Trade Service will be governed by the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980.