Indian Railway Service - Group A (Traffic, Accounts, Personnel)
Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS); Indian Railway Accounts Service; Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS); Posts in the Railway Protection Force
Candidates recruited to IRTS and IRPS will be on probation for a period of three years during which they will undergo training for 1½ years and put in a minimum of 1½ year’s probation in a working post. If the period of training has to be extended in any case due to the training having not been completed satisfactorily the total period of probation will be correspondingly extended. Even if the work during the period of probation in the working is found not to be satisfactory, the total period of probation will be extended as considered.
However, the candidates recruited to the Indian Railway Accounts Service Indian Railway Personnel Service will be appointed as Probationers for a period of 2 years during which they will undergo training. If the period of training has to be extended in any case, due to the training having not been completed satisfactorily the total period of probation will also be correspondingly extended.
All the probationers are required to undergo training for a period of 1.5 years in accordance with the prescribed training syllabus for the particular Service or post at such places and in such manner and pass such examination during this period as the Government may determine from time to time.
Termination of Appointment
The appointment of probationers can be terminated by three months notice in writing on either side during the period of probation. Such notice is not, however, required in cases of dismissal or removal as a disciplinary measure after compliance with the provisions of clause (2) of Article 311 of the Constitution and compulsory retirement due to mental or physical incapacity. The Government, however, reserve the right to terminate the services forthwith.
If in the opinion of the Government, the work or conduct of a probationer is unsatisfactory or shows that he is unlikely to become efficient. Government may discharge him forthwith or may revert him to his substantive post, if any.
Failure to pass the departmental examinations may result in termination of services. Failure to pass the examination in Hindi or an approved standard within the period of probation shall involve liability to termination of services.
On the satisfactory completion of the period of probation and on passing all the prescribed department and Hindi examinations, the probationer will be confirmed in the Junior Scale of the Service if they are considered fit for appointment in all respects.
Scale of Pay
Indian Railway Traffic Service / Indian Railway Accounts Services / Indian Railway Personnel Service
S.No. | Grade | Pay Band | Scale (Rs) | Grade Pay (Rs) |
1 | Junior Scale | PB-3 | 15600-39100 | 5400 |
2 | Senior Scale | PB-3 | 15600-39100 | 6600 |
3 | Junior Administrative Grade | PB-3 | 15600-39100 | 7600 |
4 | Senior Administrative Grade | PB-4 | 37400-67000 | 10000 |
5 | Higher Administrative Grade | 67000-79000 |
In addition there are super time scale post carrying pay between Rs. 37400 and Rs. 80000 to which the officers of the above service are eligible.
A probationer will start on the minimum of Junior Scale and will be permitted to count the period spent on probation towards leave, pension and increments in time scale. Dearness and other allowances will be admissible in accordance with the orders issued by the Government of India from time to time.
Failure to pass the departmental and other examinations during the period of probation may result in stoppage or postponement of increments.
Refund of the Cost of Training
If for any reason, which, in the opinion of the Government, are not beyond the control of the probationers, a probationer, wishes to withdraw from training or probation he shall be liable to refund any moneys paid to him, including the pay and allowances, travelling expenses to join appointment and all expenses that shall or may have been incurred by the Central Government for the Probationery Training.
For this purpose Probationers will be required to execute a bond, a copy of which will be enclosed along with their offers of appointment. The Probationers permitted to apply for appointment to Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service etc. will not however, be required to refund the cost of training.
Officers of the Service will be eligible for leave in accordance with the Leave Rules in force from time to time.
Medical Attendance
Officers will be eligible for medical attendance and treatment in accordance with the Rules in force from time to time.
Passes and Privilege Ticket Order
Officers will be eligible for free Railway Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders in accordance with the Rules in force from time to time.
Provident Fund and Pension
Candidates recruited to the Service will be governed by the Railway Pension Rules and shall subscribe to the State Railway Provident Fund (Non-contributory) under the rules of that Fund as in force from time to time.
Candidates recruited to the Service or post are liable to serve in any Railway or Project in or out of India.
Candidates recruited to the Railway Protection Force will in addition to be governed by the provisions contained in the R.P.F. Act, 1957 and the R.P.F. Rules, 1959.