Indian Police Service
Appointment is made on probation for a period of two years which may be extended subject to certain conditions. Successful candidates will be required to undergo prescribed training at such places and in such manner and pass such examinations during the period of probation as Government may determine.
If in the opinion of Government, the work or conduct of a probationer is unsatisfactory or shows that he is unlikely to become efficient, Government may discharge him forthwith or, as the case may be, revert him to the permanent post, on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien had it not been suspended under the rules applicable to him prior to his appointments to the Service.
On satisfactory completion of his period of probation Government may confirm the officer in the Service or if his work or conduct has, in the opinion of Government, been unsatisfactory, Government may either discharge him from the Service or may extend his period of probation for such further period, subject to certain conditions as Government may think fit.
An officer belonging to the Indian Police Service will be liable to serve anywhere in India or abroad either under the Central Government or under a State Government.
Scales of Pay
- SP Junior Scale Rs. 15,600-39,100 + 5400
- SP Senior Scale Rs. 15,600-39,100 + 6600
- SP Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 15,600-39,100 + 7600
- SP Selection Grade Rs. 37,400-67,000 + 8700
- DIG Super-time Scale Rs. 37,400-67,000 + 8900
- IG Super-time Scale Rs. 37,400-67,000 + 10,000
- ADG Above Super-time Scale Rs. 37,400-67,000 + 12,000
- DG Above Super-time Scale HAG-Rs. 75,500-80,000 Nil Rs. 24,050-650-26,000 (Increment @ 3%) Rs. 80,000 (Fixed)
Dearness allowance will be admissible in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time under the All India Services (Dearness Allowance) Rules, 1972.
A probationer will start on the junior time scale and be permitted to count the period spent on probation towards leave pension or increment in the time scale.
Provident Fund: Officers of the Indian Administrative Service are governed by the All India Service (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, as amended from time to time.
Leave: Officers of the Indian Administrative Service are governed by the All India Service (Leave) Rules, 1955 as amended from time to time.
Medical Attendance: Officers of the Indian Administrative Service are entitled to medical attendance benefits admissible under the All India Service Medical Attendance Rules, 1954, as amended from time to time.
Retirement Benefit: Officers of the Indian Administrative Service appointed on the basis of Competitive examination are governed by the All India Services (Death cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 as amended from time to time.