Indian Ordnance Factories Service - Group A

Selected candidates are appointed on probation for a period of 2 years. The period of probation may be reduced or extended by the Government on the recommendation of Director General, Factories / Chairman Ordnance Factory Board. Probationer will undergo such training as shall be provided by the Government and are required to pass departmental and language test as Government may prescribe.

The language test will be a test in Hindi. On the conclusion of period of probation Government will confirm the officer in his appointment. If, however, during or at the end of the period of probation his work or conduct has in the opinion of Government been unsatisfactory, Government may either discharge him or extend his period of probation for such period as Government may think fit.

Selected Candidates shall if so required, be liable to serve as Commissioned Officers in the Armed Forces for a period of not less than four years including the period spent on training, if any provided that such persons: (i) shall not be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of ten years from the date of appointment and (ii) shall not ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the age of forty years.

The candidates shall also be subject to Civilians in Defence Services (Field Liability) Rules, 1957 published under No. S.R.O. 92 dated 9th March, 1957 as amended. They will be medically examined in accordance with medical standard laid down therein.

Rates of Pay

  • Jr. Time Scale Rs. 15,600-39100 +G.P. 5400
  • Sr. Time Scale Rs. 15,600-39100 +G.P. 6600
  • Sr. Time Scale (NF) Rs. 15,600-39100 +G.P. 7600
  • Jr. Admn. Grade (F) Rs. 37,400-67000 +G.P. 8700
  • Sr. Admn. Grade Rs. 37,400-67000 +G.P.10000
  • Sr.GM/Sr. DDG/HAGRs. 67,000-79000
  • Addl. DGOF/Member Rs. 75500-80000 (OFB)
  • DGOF/Chairman OFB Rs. 80000 (Fixed)

Note: The pay of Government servant who held a permanent post other than a tenure post in a substantive capacity to his appointment as a probation will be regulated as admissible under the rules.

The probationer will draw pay in the prescribed scale of pay Rs. 15600-39100 G.P. 5400. During the period of probation, they will be required to undergo training in various branches of department National Academy of Defence Production Ambajhari, Nagpur and/or in the Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, in a foundational course of training.

A probationer shall be liable to refund the entire cost of his/her training and any other payments made to him/ her during the period of training/probation, if he/she wishes to resign from the service within a period of five years from the date of expiry of his/her training/ probation or if he/she withdraws from training/ probation. A bond to that effect shall be executed by the probationer at the time of appointment.

Indian Ordnance Factories Service - Group A consists of the posts or grades or time scales mentioned in 9(c) and comprises of the following categories of officers, namely:

  1. Engineers (Machanical / Electrical / Electronics and Telecommunications / Civil)
  2. Chemical Engineering
  3. Metallurgical Engineering
  4. Leather Technologists
  5. Clothing Technicians
  6. Administrative Officers