Indian Defence Estates Service - Group A
A candidate selected for appointment shall be required to be on probation for a period which shall not ordinarily exceed 2 years. During this period he shall be required to undergo such course of training as may be prescribed by Government.
The pay of a Government servant who held a permanent post other than a tenure post in a substantive capacity prior to his appointment as probationer will however be regulated subject to the provisions of F.R. 22-B(i).
During the period of probation a candidate will be required to pass the prescribed departmental examination.
If in the opinion of Government, the work or conduct of any Officer on probation is unsatisfactory or shows that he is unlikely to become efficient, Government may discharge him after apprising him the grounds on which it is proposed to do so and after giving him an opportunity to show cause in writing before such order is passed.
If at the conclusion of the period of probation an Officer has not passed the Departmental Examination, Government may, in its discretion, either discharge him from service or if the circumstances of the case so warrant, extend the period of probation for such period as Government may consider fit.
On the conclusion of the period of probation Government may confirm an officer in his appointment, or if his work or conduct has, in the opinion of Government been unsatisfactory, Government may either discharge him after apprising him of the grounds on which it is proposed to do so and after giving him an opportunity to show cause in writing before such order is passed or extends the period of probation for such further period Government may consider fit.
No annual increment which may become due will be admissible to a member of the service during his probation unless he has passed the departmental examination. An increment which was not thus drawn will be allowed from the date of passing of the departmental examination.
In case any of the Probationer does not pass the 'end-of-the-course test' at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussorie / National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur / SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad his first increment will be postponed by one year from the date on which he would have drawn it or up to the date on which under the departmental regulations, the second increment accrues whichever is earlier.
Scale of Pay
- Director General of Defence Estates: Rs. 80,000 [(fixed)(Apex)]
- Principal Director & Equivalent posts, Higher Administrative Grade: Rs. 67,000-79,000
- Senior Administrative Grade: Rs. 37,400-67000 + G.P. 10,000
- Junior Administrative Grade (Selection Grade): Rs. 37,400-67000 + G.P. 8,700
- Junior Administrative Grade (Ordinary): Rs. 15,600-39,100 + G.P. 7,600
- Senior Time Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 + G.P. 6,600
- Junior Time Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 + G.P. 5,400
In the Junior Time Scale, officers will be normally appointed as Chief Executive Officers in Cantonments notified under the Cantonments Act, 2006 / Defence Estates Officers / Staff appointments etc.
In the Senior Time Scale, the officers will either be appointed as Chief Exectutive Officers / Defence Estates Officers of a Circle OR in the Staff appointments etc.
All promotions from Junior Time Scale to higher scales will be done in accordance with Indian Defence Estates Service Rules, 1985 as amended from time to time.
The Indian Defence Estates Service carries with it a definite liability for Service in any part of India as well as for Field Service in India.
A candidate appointed to the service shall be governed by the Indian Defence Estates Service (Group A) Rules, 1985 as amended from time to time.