UPSC ESE (Engineering Services) Cutoff Marks

The cutoff is minimum qualifying standards or marks in order to qualify the next stage. There are three stages - preliminary exam, main exam and final personality test stage.


Cutoff for ESE 2018 Exam

Stage I: Preliminary (Objective Type Papers)

Minimum qualifying standards or marks for admission to Mains (Stage-II), out of 500 marks, subject to candidates (General, OBC, SC and ST) having secured minimum 15% marks and PH candidates minimum 10% marks in each of the two objective papers. 

Discipline General OBC SC ST PH-1 PH-3
Civil 207 194 169  188  114  87
Mechanical 256 255  220  223 138  98
Electrical 230  218  190  191  127  71
E & T 213  206  173 155  125 

Stage II: Mains (Conventional Type Papers)

Minimum qualifying standards or marks out of 1100 marks (500 marks of Stage-I + 600 marks of Stage-II), subject to candidates (General, OBC, SC & ST) having secured minimum 20% marks and PH candidates minimum 10% marks in each of the two conventional papers.

Discipline General OBC SC ST PH-1 PH-3
Civil 546 502  467 513 308 161
Mechanical 611 611 542 564 374 288 
Electrical 541  488 452 481 303 -
E & T 504 476 405 403  301

Stage III: Final stage after PT

Marks secured by the last recommended candidate, out of 1300 marks.

Discipline General OBC SC ST PH-1 PH-3
Civil 710 679  609 671 476  425
Mechanical 767 782  699 699 505 551
Electrical 711 691 603 624 473 -
E & T 660 648 567 524 429