Number of Candidates in UPSC ESE (Engineering Services Exam)

Every year, UPSC conducts Engineering Services Exam. About 1 lakh candidates apply for the exam.

Year-wise Number of Candidates Applied, Appeared and Interviewed in ESE

Year Applications Appeared Interviewed
2003 1,00,947 39,897  
2004 86,982 33,937  
2005 74,363 27,790  
2006 65,219 16,824  
2007 53,711 17,239  
2008 65,156 21,753  
2009 1,39,751 51,840  
2010 1,57,649 53,877  
2011 1,91,869 52,685  
2012 1,71,409 57,753 1749
2013 2,11,184 78,914 1816
2014 2,61,696 85,504  

ESE 2012

The Engineering Services Examination, 2012 was notified on March 10, 2012. In response to the Notification, a total number of 1,71,409 candidates applied. The written examination was held from June 15 to June 17, 2012 wherein 57,753 candidates had appeared. The result of the written Examination was declared on March 22, 2013.

As against a total of 57,753 candidates who had appeared in the written examination, a total number of 1,829 candidates qualified for the Personality Test which includes General-823, OBC - 661, SC - 223 and ST - 122 candidates. This figure also includes 77 Persons with Disabilities.

ESE 2013

The Engineering Services Examination, 2013 was notified on April 06, 2013. In response to the Notification, a total number of 2,11,184 candidates applied for the Examination. The written examination was held from June 28 to June 30, 2013 wherein 78,914 candidates had appeared.

The result of the written Examination was declared on November 8, 2013. As against a total of 78,914 candidates who had appeared in the written examination, a total number of 1,899 candidates qualified for the Personality Test which includes General-853, OBC-639, SC-267 and ST-140 candidates under the respective categories. This figure also includes 37 Persons with Disabilities.