Civil Services Main Examination

The Main Examination consists of written examination and an interview test. The written exam consists of nine papers of conventional essay type out of which two papers are of qualifying in nature. Marks obtained for all the compulsory papers (Paper-I to Paper-VII) and Marks obtained in Interview for Personality Test are counted for ranking.

Candidates who obtain minimum qualifying marks in the written part of the Main Examination are called for an interview for a Personality Test. The number of candidates called for interview are about twice of the number of vacancies to be filled. The interview carries 275 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).

Candidates are allotted to the various Services keeping in view their ranks in the examination and the preferences expressed by them for the various Services and posts.

Written Exam: Qualifying Papers

The aim of the paper is to test your ability to read and understand serious discursive prose, and to express ideas clearly and correctly, in English and Indian language concerned. The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows:


  1. Comprehension of given passages
  2. Precis Writing
  3. Usage and Vocabulary
  4. Short Essays

Indian Language

  1. Comprehension of given passages
  2. Precis Writing
  3. Usage and Vocabulary
  4. Short Essays
  5. Translation from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa

Paper-A (300 Marks): One of the Indian Language to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution.

Paper-B (300 Marks): English

The papers on Indian Languages and English (Paper A and paper B) are of Matriculation or equivalent standard and are of qualifying nature. The marks obtained in these papers are not counted for ranking.

Papers Counted for Merit

  1. Paper-I (250 Marks): Essay
  2. Paper-II (250 Marks): General Studies - I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)
  3. Paper-III (250 Marks): General Studies - II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations)
  4. Paper-IV (250 Marks): General Studies - III (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)
  5. Paper-V (250 Marks): General Studies - IV (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)
  6. Paper-VI (250 Marks): Optional Subject - Paper 1
  7. Paper-VII (250 Marks): Optional Subject - Paper 2

Sub Total (Written test): 1750 Marks

Evaluation of the papers, Essay, General Studies and Optional Subject of all the candidates would be done simultaneously along with evaluation of their qualifying papers on Indian Languages and English but the papers on Essay, General Studies and Optional Subject of only such candidates will be taken cognizance who attain 25% marks in 'Indian Language' and 25% in English as minimum qualifying standards in these qualifying papers.