UPSC CMS Paper 2 Syllabus

This paper is divided into three parts: (a) Surgery (b) Gynaecology & Obstetrics (c) Preventive & Social Medicine. Each part has 40 questions. Total questions in the Paper II are 120. Maximum marks are 250.


(a) Surgery: 40 Questions

(Surgery including ENT, Opthalmology, Traumatology and Orthopaedics)

  1. General Surgery
    1. Wounds
    2. Infections
    3. Tumours
    4. Lymphatic
    5. Blood vessels
    6. Cysts/sinuses
    7. Head and neck
    8. Breast
    9. Alimentary tract - Oesophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Anus, Developmental, Liver, Bile, Pancreas, Spleen, Peritoneum, Abdominal wall, Abdominal injuries
  2. Urological Surgery
  3. Neuro Surgery
  4. Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T.
  5. Thoracic surgery
  6. Orthopedic surgery
  7. Ophthalmology
  8. Anesthesiology
  9. Traumatology
  10. Diagnosis and management of common surgical ailments
  11. Pre‐operative and post operative care of surgical patients
  12. Medicolegal and ethical issues of surgery
  13. Wound healing
  14. Fluid and electrolyte management in surgery
  15. Shock patho‐physiology and management

(b) Gynaecology & Obstetrics: 40 Questions


  1. Ante-natal conditions
  2. Intra-natal conditions
  3. Post-natal conditions
  4. Management of normal labours or complicated labour


  1. Questions on applied anatomy
  2. Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization
  3. Questions on infections in genital tract
  4. Questions on neoplas main the genital tract
  5. Questions on displacement of the uterus
  6. Normal delivery and safe delivery practices
  7. High risk pregnancy and management
  8. Abortions
  9. Intra Uterine growth retardation
  10. Medicolegal examination in obgy and Gynae including Rape

Family Planning:

  1. Conventional contraceptives
  2. U.D. and oral pills
  3. Operative procedure, sterilization and organization of programmes in the urban and rural surroundings
  4. Medical Termination of Pregnancy

(c) Preventive Social and Community Medicine: 40 Questions

  1. Social and community Medicine
  2. Concept of Health, Disease and Preventive Medicine
  3. Health Administration and Planning
  4. General Epidemiology
  5. Demography and Health Statistics
  6. Communicable Diseases
  7. Environmental Health
  8. Nutrition and Health
  9. Non-communicable diseases
  10. Occupational Health
  11. Genetics and Health
  12. International Health
  13. Medical Sociology and Health Education
  14. Maternal and Child Health
  15. National Programmes
  16. Management of common health problems
  17. Ability to monitor national health programmes
  18. Knowledge of maternal and child wellness
  19. Ability to recognize, investigate, report, plan and manage community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies