UPSC CMS Paper 1 Syllabus
This papers is divided into two sections: General Medicine with 96 questions and pediatrics with 26 questions. Total questions in the Paper I are 120. Maximum marks are 250.

(a) General Medicine: 96 Questions
- Cardiology
- Respiratory diseases
- Gastro-intestinal
- Genito-Urinary
- Neurology
- Hematology
- Endocrinology
- Metabolic disorders
- Infections/Communicable Diseases
- Virus
- Rickets
- Bacterial
- Spirochetal
- Protozoan
- Metazoan
- Fungus
- Nutrition/Growth
- Diseases of the skin (Dermatology)
- Musculoskelatal System
- Psychiatry
- General
- Emergency Medicine
- Common Poisoning
- Snake bite
- Tropical Medicine
- Critical Care Medicine
- Emphasis on medical procedures
- Patho physiological basis of diseases
- Vaccines preventable diseases and Non vaccines preventable diseases
- Vitamin deficiency diseases
- In psychiatry include - Depression, psychosis, anxiety, bipolar diseases and Schizoprenia
(b) Paediatrics: 24 Questions
- Common childhood emergencies
- Basic new born care
- Normal developmental milestones
- Accidents and poisonings in children
- Birth defects and counseling including autism
- Immunization in children
- Recognizing children with special needs and management
- National programmes related to child health