UPSC Combined Defence Services (CDS) Cut-off Marks

The UPSC CDS cutoff is different for IMA, INA, AFA, OTA (Men) and OTA (Women).


CDS (I) 2018 Cutoff

Academy Written Exam Final Result
  Aggregate marks of last qualified candidate* Marks of last recommended candidate
IMA 118 240
INA 98 225
AFA 138 279
OTA (Men) 69 154
OTA (Women) 69 150

* Subject to a minimum of 20% in each paper.

CDS (I) 2017 Cutoff

  Written Exam Final Result
  Aggregate marks of last qualified candidate* Marks of last recommended candidate
IMA 125 249
INA 118 241
AFA 144 268
OTA (Men) 82 163
OTA (Women) 82 164

* Subject to a minimum of 20% in each paper.

CDS (II) 2017 Cut-off

  Written Exam Final Result
  Aggregate marks of last qualified candidate* Marks of last recommended candidate
OTA (Men)    
OTA (Women)    

* Subject to a minimum of 20% in each paper.